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Social Media Content that Converts

This year I have been on a journey learning all there is to know about Social Media content that converts and I wanted to share some things I've picked up on the way, with you.

When I first started my business, I started watching what other similar business were doing on Social Media and did the same. My thought process was "They've been doing this for a while, they're still here so it must mean that what they are doing is working!" So that's what I did:

- I posted consistently about what I do

- Bugged my whole family with my posts

- Used very basic social media templates

- Stopped posting anything personal and just focused on my business

But after months of this, I discovered that people didn't care about what I was offering. My promo posts were DEAD and that once in a while post about something personal came alive! HUM?!?!?!? Why was that! I decided it was time for change. My business HAD to succeed, my family needed it to! So I read, researched information, tried all the content calendars I could find, listened to podcasts and much more!!! I found a coach who would teach me how to uplevel my content and provide me with material to be able to do this! So I absorbed ALL I could! Tried new Apps, followed tutorials, tested out post ideas. Things started moving. People started noticing my business. I started waking up and finding messages in my inbox from new leads!!!! Before I was constantly posting of #jobopps and now people were coming to me!! For me this was SUCCESS!!! I could start to reduce my time scrolling on Facebook and actually had client work to do...lots of client work to do!!!

Now, a year later, I am taking all I have learnt and offering it to you! I still see so many people doing what I was doing and struggling to grow their business. I also still get lots of unwanted cold messages in my inbox - if you're doing that OMG you need what I'm offering!!! I am now teaching you how to up-level your social media game in my new Facebook community. Whether you have a brick and mortar business, network marketing, or a service provider, this is for you!

Here is what you can expect for $25/month! Yes I said $25/month. I wanted this to be affordable to EVERYONE, even if you are just starting out!

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