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Blog Manager Definition

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

What is the definition of Blog Manager? Why would you need a Blog Management Virtual Assistant?

Whether you are a blogger or an entrepreneur, today I am want to let you know how helpful it would be for you to have a Blog Management Virtual Assistant. There are many reasons businesses should have a blog. Blogging is important to help build brand awareness, establish yourself as an industry leader and build a better and stronger relationship with clients or potential clients. It also helps you rank high on Google by providing more visibility.

Blogging can be tough! Writing valuable content is only just a small part of what goes into maintaining a great blog. You need research, keyword research, proofreading, scheduling, images and graphics. You need to get it out on Social Media. You also need creation of opt ins, transcription and more.

It’s hard to do all this alone and keep it consistent. A virtual assistant can be your right hand in creating and maintaining a reputable blog.

No matter at what stage of the blog or business you are, a blog manager can contribute and make your blog far more successful. There’s also a great side benefit. Less work and stress!

Are you considering hiring a Virtual Assistant but have no idea what to delegate? Here are some ideas of tasks a VA can do for you.

Research Bloggers do A LOT of research. You might need help looking for products to add to your post. Research for content ideas or for round ups. A virtual assistant can dedicate time to research important topics and keyword phrases in your area of expertise. This is a great place to start a great relationship with a virtual assistant for blog management.

Proofreading & Posting Writing a post can come naturally to you, especially if you are writing about something you are an expert in, but formatting each blog post can take an other hour or so. It requires you to make sure the post and images are SEO optimized, hyperlinks are added and the text is formatted for readability. This can be tedious and tiring work. Work with a virtual assistant who can take these time consuming aspects of blogging off your hands.Graphics & Images It has been proven time and again that well-selected images can focus the attention of your potential reader. This makes your post more likely to get read. Each blog post needs about 8-10 graphics & images each. 

Even though programs like Canva can make creating your own images quite simple, it is still very time consuming. A creative Virtual assistant can create those graphics for you. A virtual assistant can also search for the right stock images for you.

​Social Media Once your write your blog post, it is critical to let people in your niche know about it. Use a Virtual assistant to promote your post on social media and email marketing. This helps to make sure as many people as possible are reached and get to read your content and check out whatever your are offering. Your virtual assistant can also extract content from you post to share on social media along with the graphics.

Staying organized Your Virtual Assistant can help you set up a sustainable content calendar which is easy to maintain for you to keep all your ideas and resources and keep your blog posts on schedule.

Blog Commenting An outstanding virtual assistant is well aware that the entire purpose of maintaining a blog is to ensure that dynamic interaction with your audience is encouraged. Have your VA reply to your blog comments and keeping bot or spam comments at bay.

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