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Writer's pictureBev

The Master Weaver

I felt the Lord whisper into my heart recently that He is the Master Weaver of the Tapestry of my life.


Do you sometimes feel like nothing makes sense in your life? Or that there are parts of it that you just don’t understand and you find yourself asking God Why? Or How? Or When? Our lives can be so difficult and sometimes downright confusing.

I felt the Lord whisper into my heart recently that He is the Master Weaver of the Tapestry of my life.

When you look at the back of a tapestry it’s like it’s the working side of it and it can get really messy, I can remember what the back of my knitting projects used to look like, let alone a complicated tapestry! There were knots and left- over bits where I had joined different colours. It often just seemed like a tangled mess of threads.

I personally like vibrant purple and pinks and turquoises but sometimes in my personal “tapestry” I can see quite a bit of black, signifying the really heart-breaking times in my life. And there is also grey and beige all mixed in (boring, insipid colours!!!!!!) I’m speaking metaphorically of course of the humdrum, seemingly insignificant days, but it is a good analogy.

Then I got to reading a book by Lana Vawser and she wrote this:

“stay in hope, stay in faith because what He is creating behind the scenes is more beautiful than you know. Yes even the messy part, the tears, the highs, the lows, the heart wrenching battles and processes - all of it. He’s making something beautiful out of the mess. Like a tapestry”

One day you will see the full picture on the other side and understand all that God has been doing in your life. You will marvel at how the dark and the insipid boring colours all blend and contrast with the vivid beautiful ones to make a stunning, one-off, never to be repeated picture. He knows what He is doing, even when you don’t understand and sometimes you may even sometimes doubt His goodness. Remember the life of Joseph!

Romans 8:28 The Passion Translation says:

“ So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose”

We can trust the Master Weaver with the

tapestry of our lives!

Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who worked with her father and her sister Betsie to help many Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust during World War II by hiding them in her home. They were caught, arrested and sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp. Her most famous book, The Hiding Place, is a biography that recounts the story of her family's struggle and hope in God throughout their time in the concentration camp.

Just before Betsie died inside the terrible camp, she told Corrie, "There is no pit so deep that He [God] is not deeper still." Fifteen days after her death Corrie was released! Afterwards, she was told that her release was due to a clerical error and that a week later, all the women in her age group were sent to the gas chambers. She returned to Germany in 1946, and met with and forgave two Germans who had been employed at Ravensbrück, one of whom was particularly cruel to Betsie.

Corrie ten Boom actually wrote this:

This is an old song but the message is timeless!

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