"Imagine yourself stood under the refreshing flow of My Fountain. Imagine what that would feel like. Get somewhere quiet on your own and experience the flow of My Spirit over you. Let Me drench you with MY fountain of love. Let me flood over your insides and outside. I will thoroughly drench you until you are soaking in Me. Lift your arms up so that every part of you is touched by the splashes of My fountain, soaking wet, no nook or cranny left untouched by My Flow. I want to wash your flesh until it is Heavenly clean and as you stand under My Flow you are standing in My Presence submitted to Me in total receiving mode. Total dependency acknowledging your need of Me".
When you stand under My Fountain the water of My Spirit doesn't just land on your skin and evaporate or bounce off like in the shower, it is LIVING, HEAVENLY WATER that soaks into your very core, deep into your soul, your heart, your mind, even your attitudes. It quickens, refreshes, restores and rejuvenates. Every part of you will be restored, until you are tingling with life, supernatural life!
This is not just a 5 minute thrill of emotion, a "high" to experience and then walk away from; this is a way of life; to stay, to wait, to live in My Fountain. Be continually renewed minute by minute, hour by hour, practice living this way. Be constantly aware of MY FLOW in you and over you. Deliberately position yourself to receive from My Fountain of Life. You will be so invigorated.
When you come and stand under My Fountain the first thing My Living Water will touch is your head, your mind. I want to bathe your thought life and change your thought patterns forever. No longer prisoner to the enemies' lies. Earthly reason and logic and even ego has to go. All dependency on yourself and your own solutions can be washed away.
I will wash your eyes from all the filth and grunge of this world so that you can see more clearly into the Spiritual Realm. I will wash away all blockages from your ears that hinder you from hearing the sweet whispers of My Voice and I will fill your mouth with the words of Life that i will pour into you.
As you stand under My Fountain I will drench your shoulders and back, I will wash off all the heaviness of responsibility. All the burdens you have been carrying will be gone forever, lost in My stream. I AM the restorer of Hope and Joy. You were made for joyful service not drudgery!
I will Flow into your heart to soothe your hurts and disappointments. I will heal your scars. Give Me time to wash away all the pain of the past and the now. I will comfort you with My beautiful, perfect love till your heart is over-flowing.
My Flow will reach your place of hunger and emptiness. I will fill your void with My Fullness . Only I can truly satisfy you and meet your every need.
Then let me flow over your legs and feet. Let Me wash off the weariness of this world. You have been walking this walk for a long time and you have almost lost your strength to go on. I will rejuvenate your feet as you dance with Me in My presence. The joy of the journey will be restored.
I have called you to live in My Fountain, it is a place of restoration. Don't live your life like a dried up piece of old parchment, dwell instead in the lush, tropical warmth of My love and joy as I pour Myself over you. This is what your heart longs for, My abundant, exquisite, intoxicating, invigorating LIFE in all its fullness.