If ever I have to go to the dentists or the hospital for a procedure, I always dread it. I hate suffering and avoid it whenever possible so you can imagine my surprise when I read this passage in Luke 22:15 where Jesus sat down with His disciples for the Last Supper and said
“I have looked forward to this hour with deep longing, anxious to eat this Passover meal with you before my suffering begins”.
Another version says “I have longed with passion and desire”
Then I was blown away by what I felt Him whisper in my heart.
“It was the hardest and greatest few days of my entire life. It was what I was born for. It was the purpose of My life - to open the floodgates of Heaven so that Mercy and Forgiveness could flow down to earth. My Father and I had waited and planned for that day for so long – the day I would suffer and die......
........ I knew what it meant when I chose to be born in the stable and I knew what it would cost me when I chose to die. My Father and I had talked about it with so much anticipation. It was the fulfilment of Our Dreams – to make a way for you all to come Home to Us. So that we could truly live as family again – Together. Forever......
.....When I lived on earth I loved reaching out, touching and healing bodies and hearts BUT it was only the beginning! I had to die to win you back forever. I had to lose My life to truly find you!.
I came looking for you with great passion in My Heart, with great longing. Will you come looking for me?
Will you lay down your life and everything in it for Me in return?
Will you love and long for Me with a great passion and desire?
The best love relationships are when both partners equally reciprocate their love for each other.
How much do you love Me, I mean really really love Me?
More than anyone or anything else?
When you get to that place, it is the place of total bliss and Oneness with Me. Nothing can compare with that!