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Writer's pictureBev

Living above the snake-line (2)

If we love HIM we do not want to live without HIM in the lowlands below the snake-line, we want to take HIS invitation of coming up higher and being close to HIM, where the pull and desire to please ourselves no longer tugs on our hearts so much.

“There is a [high] narrow path on the journey through life that leads to a secret place in God where our enemy the devil cannot find us, a place where we are so hidden in Jesus Christ that we are off the [enemies] map”

(James Maloney)

Lets live above the snake-line!

All power and authority has been given to us by Jesus in Luke 10:19

"to trample on serpents…and over all the power of the enemy”

We do not need to cower and be afraid . HE is victorious and HE lives inside us. The spiritual atmosphere changes when we as Christians walk into the room because we carry HIM. You are a walking Jesus Carrier. Know it and believe it.

“Greater is HE that is in you than HE that is in the world”.

God is calling you higher up the mountain, closer to HIM. Live in the high places on the mountain of God where the oxygen is rarified. Breathe in the oxygen of Heaven. Look down on your circumstances from Gods perspective.

God told me one day “My authority is now your authority because I live in you and you in ME. We are ONE. When the devil sees you he sees ME. When you speak My Word he hears MY VOICE and feels MY authority. That’s why I am calling you higher, not just because the vistas are amazing but because your whole perspective will change. Your position will change. You will literally be above and not beneath”

“But to live above the snake-line involves making some hard choices. There are not so many climbers at high altitude. Maybe you will look down and see the ramblers picnicking and taking it easy further down and you want to take your ease also. Not all climbers will maintain that level of altitude. It’s a choice you must make. It is not your efforts or your abilities that keep you on the high places it is MINE for I am your Guide.

Choose to keep your eyes fixed on me at all times and not on the difficulty of the terrain. Position your gaze and your focus upwards. Even point your feet upward. Follow ME, walk where I walk, I will carefully weigh each step for danger and difficulty. Do what you see ME doing, walk where I walk, go where I go, stay close, stay connected. I won’t let you trip up or fall. I am your Sherpa on the high places!”

Watch out for Part 3 in this mini-series

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