Often when I am spending time with God He speaks to me in sentences and paragraphs that I write down word for word. Today I wanted to share one of those times with you (from about two years ago) on the subject of intimacy or oneness with Him. This is what he said!
“You can actually live in My presence. Not go in and out like the priests of old did in My Temple. Live in My presence……….24/7. Continual awareness, continual heart communication – ONENESS whatever you are doing.
Long for me as much as I long for you. Keep reaching out to Me during the day – fingers touching, hearts embracing, whispered words of love, tender embraces. I am as near to you as you want Me to be – only a whisper away. Turn your heart always towards Me, look for Me in everything and everyone. Watch for Me working and moving around you in every situation. If you look for Me you will surely find Me.
You miss so much because you are not tuned in, not close enough to see…… Fix your eyes on Me. Lock eyes, Lock hearts. Stay Me focused throughout your day and you will see how much you have missed till now. Your spiritual awareness will grow. Discernment and Knowledge will grow as you stay in My presence. Tune your ears to the noise of heaven - to the Voice of My Spirit.
I want all your senses, your eyes, your ears, your touch, your emotions, your mind and your will but…only as a LOVE OFFERING. Not because you SHOULD but because you can’t help yourself – because you cannot live without ME. Totally abandoned, totally surrendered
The crazy truth is that the more you “lose” yourself in Me, the more you will “find” yourself. Your true self, who I made you to be. And you will be the most fulfilled and happy you could ever be!
Just stay in love with Me all your life and I will open up the secrets of Heaven. These secrets of the Kingdom can only be discerned through intimacy and being with Me more and more and more............
............When you say you want MORE of Me, My heart responds, I want MORE of you!!!!!!!!”