"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is an English proverb; usually a warning referring to financial matters..... but let’s think of it in a different context today........Imagine a basket full of eggs and each "egg" represents one of your emotions (happiness, security, safety, dependency etc) The "basket" is the person on whom you rely most e.g. a parent, your husband or wife, a sibling, your child or a best friend.
What happens to your “eggs” when that basket breaks?
It is a huge disaster!

The Psalmist wrote “All my hope is in You God”
Sometimes we can love and depend on someone so much that it becomes a form of idolatry, we put them in the place of God in our lives. Be thankful for those people who mean the world to you but never let them become your "basket.”
The one who under-girds your life completely.

Your life needs to be centred on Jesus.

Have a circle of love with special people all around the edges but never move Jesus from that central position.

He is the cog in your wheel of life. He holds everything together! He will keep you steady and centred spiritually, emotionally, mentally and even physically.
Our security must be in Him first and foremost not in earthly relationships no matter how beautiful they are. If I move from that place of Jesus at the centre - my life is off-kilter, out of balance.
Too dependent on others.
No-one else can cope with that much devotion and need, with the pressure of being everything to you like Jesus can.
He can be your everything, every day for the rest of your life and will never get over-burdened, weary, stressed or even worse unfaithful and betray your trust.
